Economic Benefits
More Pavement Maintenance Per Budgeted Dollar

A U.S. Department of Transportation study has shown that single pass asphalt recycling provides 35% more pavement repair for every maintenance dollar spent. Cutler’s Single Pass, Single Machine Repaving method uses 50% less materials and is two-thirds the cost of conventional 2” mill and overlay.
For example:
Denver, Colorado,
in a nine-year period:
Over 394 lane miles completed with Cutler’s Single Machine Repaving method
Nearly $13 million savings over conventional mill and overlay
Increased recycled materials by over 33,000 tons annually

Plantation, Florida Saves Money, Resources;
Shaves 25 Days Off of Project
City's Budget: $2,472,172
52 Total Lane Miles
50% of Asphalt Recycled
City's Budget: $2,472,172
Cutler Method: $2,182,121
13.29% Under City's Budget
17.18 More Lane Miles Repaved
Cutler Method: $2,182,121
Conventional Method: $3,087,673
20% Over City's Budget
29.33% More than Cutler's Method
Conventional Method: $3,087,673

Timely Maintenance
Maximize the return on your investment in asphalt pavement rehabilitation funding by repairing your asphalt pavement during the first 40% drop in quality. Rehabilitation in the second 40% drop in quality could cost four to five times more.
Pavement Performance
According to a National Cooperative Highway research study, the performance of an HIR pavement is the approximate equivalent to conventionally constructed pavement in terms of cracking, rutting, raveling, stripping and skid resistance. The resulting surface is among the smoothest overall finishes in the industry with a service life of at least 7-10 years. Think life cycle cost vs. project cost.

Extended Life of the Road
Cutler’s Single Machine Repaving method typically raises the roadway 1 inch versus 2-3 inches for a conventional overlay. Therefore, more Single Machine Repaving overlays can be performed before requiring more costly milling or replacement on future rehabilitation.

Preserves Roadway Geometry
By minimizing the amount of new overlay required to rehabilitate the pavement surface, Cutler’s Single Machine Repaving method preserves the integrity of overpass clearances, guardrails and shoulders.

Less Inconvenience, Improved Safety for Taxpayers
Cutler’s Single Machine Repaver simultaneously recycles and resurfaces the roadway so that traffic delays are minimized. Motorists are spared the risk of driving on uneven, oily surfaces and the danger of flying rocks and construction materials created by conventional repaving methods.